Individual results for Doug Barnhart

Location: Littleton,CO

Team: Just Bowl It #2

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
830 All Events Standard 564,562,506 85 1632
152 Team Standard 186,165,213 178 2572
2435 Doubles Standard 165,185,212 N/A 1009
6926 Singles Standard 188,142,176 N/A 506

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Standard
Rank: 830

Rank Ties Score
830 18 1632

Event: Team
Division: Standard
Rank: 152

Rank Ties Score
142 - 2579
143 - 2578
144 2 2577
146 - 2576
147 3 2575
150 - 2574
151 - 2573
152 3 2572
155 4 2571
159 - 2570
160 4 2569
164 2 2568

Event: Doubles
Division: Standard
Rank: 2435

Rank Ties Score
2435 50 1009

Event: Singles
Division: Standard
Rank: 6926

Rank Ties Score
6926 150 506