Individual results for George E DeShazo

Location: Meadows Place,TX

Team: Just 4 the Beer

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
18040 All Events Standard 454,414,419 N/A 1287
18397 Singles Standard 157,139,123 N/A 419
3743 Team Standard 147,142,165 N/A 2110
4206 Doubles Classified 160,110,144 N/A 753

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Standard
Rank: 18040

Rank Ties Score
18040 34 1287

Event: Singles
Division: Standard
Rank: 18397

Rank Ties Score
18397 77 419

Event: Team
Division: Standard
Rank: 3743

Rank Ties Score
3732 5 2112
3737 6 2111
3743 14 2110

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 4206

Rank Ties Score
4198 8 754
4205 - 742
4206 9 753
4215 7 752