Individual results for Joseph Sarreal

Location: La Puente,CA

Team: Azusa Tournament Club

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
27620 Singles Regular 89,0,0 N/A 89
26925 All Events Regular 546,467,89 N/A 1102
10304 Doubles Regular 130,165,172 N/A 944
101 Team Classified 182,167,197 92 2394

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 27620

Rank Ties Score
27608 2 136
27610 2 133
27612 - 128
27613 2 120
27615 - 113
27616 - 112
27617 - 111
27618 - 101
27619 - 92
27620 - 89
27621 - 82
27622 2 74
27624 - 68
27625 - 40
27626 - 25
27627 - 17
27628 - 9

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 26925

Rank Ties Score
26913 2 1114
26915 - 1112
26916 - 1111
26917 - 1110
26918 - 1109
26919 3 1107
26922 2 1104
26924 - 1103
26925 - 1102
26926 - 1101
26927 - 1100
26928 - 1098
26929 2 1097
26931 2 1096
26933 2 1093
26935 2 1092
26937 - 1091

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 10304

Rank Ties Score
10304 49 944

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 101

Rank Ties Score
90 - 2406
91 2 2405
93 2 2401
95 - 2400
96 - 2399
97 - 2397
98 3 2395
101 2 2394
103 - 2393
104 - 2391
105 4 2390
109 3 2389
112 - 2388
113 - 2387