Individual results for Pamela Williams

Location: Tucson,AZ

Team: Just Us

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
7217 Singles Classified 145,121,154 N/A 420
1853 Team Classified 111,102,149 N/A 2033
8369 All Events Classified 362,361,420 N/A 1143
5313 Doubles Classified 133,113,115 N/A 635

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 7217

Rank Ties Score
7217 59 420

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 1853

Rank Ties Score
1841 - 2042
1842 - 2041
1843 - 2040
1844 2 2039
1846 - 2038
1847 2 2037
1849 2 2036
1851 2 2034
1853 2 2033
1855 - 2032
1856 - 2031
1857 2 2030
1859 3 2028
1862 - 2027
1863 - 2024
1864 - 2023
1865 3 2021

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 8369

Rank Ties Score
8363 6 1144
8369 7 1143
8376 7 1142

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 5313

Rank Ties Score
5301 - 674
5302 2 671
5304 - 670
5305 2 666
5307 - 665
5308 - 660
5309 - 653
5310 - 645
5311 - 644
5312 - 640
5313 - 635
5314 - 624
5315 - 623
5316 - 622
5317 - 619
5318 - 614
5319 - 613
5320 - 601
5321 2 600
5323 - 570
5324 - 562
5325 - 558