Individual results for Wanda Webb

Location: Delta,UT

Team: Just Spare Me

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
6068 Doubles Classified 95,77,129 N/A 743
10990 All Events Classified 315,301,246 N/A 862
11960 Singles Classified 86,78,82 N/A 246
2272 Team Classified 104,107,104 N/A 1573

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 6068

Rank Ties Score
6066 2 744
6068 10 743
6078 6 742

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 10990

Rank Ties Score
10980 - 869
10981 - 868
10982 2 867
10984 - 866
10985 - 865
10986 - 864
10987 3 863
10990 2 862
10992 - 861
10993 - 860
10994 3 858
10997 3 857
11000 3 856

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 11960

Rank Ties Score
11948 - 269
11949 - 265
11950 - 264
11951 2 263
11953 - 261
11954 - 257
11955 2 256
11957 - 253
11958 - 250
11959 - 247
11960 - 246
11961 - 245
11962 - 242
11963 - 240
11964 - 239
11965 - 237
11966 - 236
11967 - 231
11968 - 230
11969 - 228
11970 - 224
11971 - 212
11972 - 203

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 2272

Rank Ties Score
2260 - 1808
2261 - 1806
2262 - 1805
2263 - 1798
2264 - 1788
2265 - 1786
2266 - 1781
2267 - 1726
2268 - 1691
2269 - 1675
2270 - 1634
2271 - 1610
2272 - 1573