Individual results for John Schuch

Location: Fredericksburg,TX

Team: Texas Roadhouse Bowling T

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
11244 All Events Classified 431,0,0 N/A 431
1459 Team Classified 174,137,120 N/A 2232

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 11244

Rank Ties Score
11232 2 458
11234 - 453
11235 - 450
11236 - 449
11237 2 446
11239 - 444
11240 2 443
11242 - 436
11243 - 433
11244 - 431
11245 - 427
11246 - 426
11247 - 425
11248 - 417
11249 - 414
11250 2 411
11252 2 401
11254 - 396
11255 - 395
11256 2 393

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 1459

Rank Ties Score
1449 3 2234
1452 7 2233
1459 4 2232
1463 4 2231
1467 8 2230