Individual results for Shirley Gordon

Location: Cumberland Foreside,ME

Team: Barnstormers

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
2165 Team Classified 176,122,154 N/A 2263
6846 All Events Classified 452,461,481 N/A 1394
6664 Doubles Classified 157,126,178 N/A 869
5885 Singles Classified 165,172,144 N/A 481

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 2165

Rank Ties Score
2153 12 2264
2165 4 2263
2169 7 2262
2176 10 2261

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 6846

Rank Ties Score
6846 46 1394

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 6664

Rank Ties Score
6664 29 869

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 5885

Rank Ties Score
5885 119 481