Individual results for Mathew Henning

Location: North Platte,NE

Team: Kings Of 60 Feet

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
44268 All Events Regular 590,0,0 N/A 590
108 Team Regular 194,153,243 328 3192

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 44268

Rank Ties Score
44256 - 704
44257 - 692
44258 - 678
44259 - 677
44260 - 668
44261 - 647
44262 - 624
44263 - 618
44264 - 604
44265 2 603
44267 - 600
44268 - 590
44269 - 567
44270 - 558
44271 - 545
44272 - 544
44273 - 539
44274 - 532
44275 - 530
44276 - 514
44277 - 511
44278 - 505
44279 - 504
44280 - 499

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 108

Rank Ties Score
97 - 3201
98 2 3200
100 - 3199
101 2 3198
103 - 3197
104 - 3196
105 - 3195
106 - 3194
107 - 3193
108 - 3192
109 2 3191
111 - 3189
112 - 3188
113 - 3185
114 - 3184
115 - 3182
116 2 3180
118 - 3179
119 - 3178
120 - 3177