Individual results for Mike Rose Jr

Location: West Henrietta,NY

Team: Pohl Position

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
112 Team Regular 233,255,279 318 3188
1187 Singles Regular 212,217,248 170 677
7 All Events Regular 767,762,677 2500 2206
51 Doubles Regular 244,278,240 694 1403

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 112

Rank Ties Score
100 - 3199
101 2 3198
103 - 3197
104 - 3196
105 - 3195
106 - 3194
107 - 3193
108 - 3192
109 2 3191
111 - 3189
112 - 3188
113 - 3185
114 - 3184
115 - 3182
116 2 3180
118 - 3179
119 - 3178
120 - 3177
121 2 3175
123 3 3174

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 1187

Rank Ties Score
1187 38 677

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 7

Rank Ties Score
1 - 2268
2 - 2258
3 - 2241
4 - 2232
5 - 2213
6 - 2211
7 - 2206
8 - 2204
9 - 2196
10 - 2177
11 - 2175
12 - 2174
13 - 2171
14 - 2165
15 - 2164
16 - 2161
17 - 2158
18 - 2156
19 - 2155

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 51

Rank Ties Score
39 3 1413
42 2 1412
44 - 1411
45 - 1410
46 3 1409
49 - 1408
50 - 1406
51 - 1403
52 - 1402
53 3 1401
56 - 1400
57 2 1398
59 - 1397
60 2 1396
62 - 1395
63 2 1393