Individual results for Antonio Medina

Location: Davenport,IA

Team: K & K Bowling Services 6

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
336 Team Regular 212,248,252 127 3045
52 All Events Regular 712,669,733 1524 2114
174 Singles Regular 256,233,244 583 733
122 Doubles Regular 224,235,210 467 1366

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 336

Rank Ties Score
325 2 3052
327 5 3051
332 - 3050
333 2 3049
335 - 3048
336 - 3045
337 3 3044
340 3 3043
343 2 3041
345 6 3040

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 52

Rank Ties Score
40 - 2125
41 - 2124
42 5 2123
47 - 2122
48 - 2120
49 - 2118
50 - 2117
51 - 2115
52 - 2114
53 - 2111
54 2 2109
56 - 2107
57 - 2106
58 2 2105
60 - 2104
61 - 2103
62 2 2102
64 - 2101

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 174

Rank Ties Score
166 8 734
174 3 733
177 3 732
180 12 731

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 122

Rank Ties Score
112 3 1369
115 5 1368
120 2 1367
122 2 1366
124 - 1365
125 2 1364
127 5 1363
132 2 1362
134 2 1361