Individual results for Ron Dixon

Location: Boynton Beach,FL

Team: Barneys 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
8820 Singles Regular 214,215,165 32 594
25 Team Regular 278,243,170 750 3326
4 Doubles Regular 278,238,299 3500 1477
65 All Events Regular 691,815,594 1375 2100

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 8820

Rank Ties Score
8820 164 594

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 25

Rank Ties Score
13 - 3365
14 - 3364
15 - 3357
16 - 3353
17 - 3352
18 - 3344
19 - 3343
20 - 3342
21 - 3341
22 - 3332
23 - 3331
24 - 3327
25 - 3326
26 - 3323
27 - 3322
28 - 3316
29 - 3310
30 - 3308
31 - 3305
32 - 3304
33 - 3302
34 - 3301
35 2 3293
37 - 3279

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 4

Rank Ties Score
1 - 1497
2 - 1494
3 - 1482
4 - 1477
5 - 1473
6 - 1466
7 - 1465
8 - 1463
9 - 1461
10 2 1458
12 - 1456
13 - 1455
14 3 1449

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 65

Rank Ties Score
53 - 2111
54 2 2109
56 - 2107
57 - 2106
58 2 2105
60 - 2104
61 - 2103
62 2 2102
64 - 2101
65 3 2100
68 2 2098
70 - 2097
71 - 2096
72 2 2095
74 - 2094
75 4 2093