Individual results for John Moore Jr

Location: El Paso,TX

Team: Pin Buster

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
21986 Doubles Regular 128,168,130 N/A 842
43187 All Events Regular 444,426,447 N/A 1317
42272 Singles Regular 161,150,136 N/A 447
7939 Team Regular 126,135,183 N/A 2391

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 21986

Rank Ties Score
21974 3 845
21977 5 844
21982 4 843
21986 2 842
21988 5 841
21993 10 840

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 43187

Rank Ties Score
43177 10 1318
43187 10 1317
43197 9 1316

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 42272

Rank Ties Score
42272 98 447

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 7939

Rank Ties Score
7932 7 2392
7939 12 2391
7951 16 2390