Individual results for Tony Fawbush

Location: Nashville,TN

Team: Nashville USBC

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
875 Doubles Classified 173,194,176 67 1034
2674 Team Classified 151,203,143 N/A 2184
1521 All Events Classified 497,543,499 33 1539
4093 Singles Classified 176,171,152 32 499

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Classified
Rank: 875

Rank Ties Score
875 15 1034

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 2674

Rank Ties Score
2665 2 2187
2667 2 2186
2669 5 2185
2674 5 2184
2679 4 2183
2683 4 2182

Event: All Events
Division: Classified
Rank: 1521

Rank Ties Score
1521 20 1539

Event: Singles
Division: Classified
Rank: 4093

Rank Ties Score
4093 74 499