Individual results for Maxine Carpenter


Team: National Seniors - Day 1

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
3594 Team Classified 154,148,140 N/A 1328

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Classified
Rank: 3594

Rank Ties Score
3583 - 1341
3584 - 1340
3586 - 1336
3587 - 1335
3588 - 1334
3590 - 1343
3591 - 1332
3593 - 1329
3594 - 1328
3597 - 1327
3598 - 1324
3599 - 1323
3601 - 1322
3602 - 1317
3603 - 1313
3604 - 1305
3606 - 1297