Individual results for Jenni Roethle

Location: Watertown,WI

Team: JMR Trucking

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
1382 Doubles Div I 169,192,162 N/A 974
2959 Team Div II 180,141,133 N/A 2106
2085 Singles Old Diamond/Classic 122,159,152 N/A 433
1959 All Events Old Diamond/Classic 454,523,433 N/A 1410

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Doubles
Division: Div I
Rank: 1382

Rank Ties Score
1371 11 975
1382 12 974
1394 9 973

Event: Team
Division: Div II
Rank: 2959

Rank Ties Score
2959 10 2106
2969 12 2105

Event: Singles
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 2085

Rank Ties Score
2073 2 438
2075 3 437
2078 2 436
2080 3 435
2083 2 434
2085 3 433
2088 2 432
2090 4 431
2094 2 430
2096 3 428

Event: All Events
Division: Old Diamond/Classic
Rank: 1959

Rank Ties Score
1949 5 1414
1954 2 1413
1956 - 1412
1957 2 1411
1959 2 1410
1961 - 1409
1962 3 1408
1965 - 1407
1966 4 1406
1970 - 1405
1971 2 1404