Individual results for Melanie Blessant

Location: Highlands Ranch,CO

Team: 7-10 Splits

Rank Event Division Games Prize Score
9404 Team Regular 144,150,123 N/A 2028
42364 Singles Regular 140,174,142 N/A 456
44658 All Events Regular 417,381,456 N/A 1254
22805 Doubles Regular 147,124,110 N/A 841

Ranking Comparisons

Your rank and score are displayed in bold. The scores ranking immediately above and below are also displayed to show how close you are to them.

Event: Team
Division: Regular
Rank: 9404

Rank Ties Score
9392 - 2051
9393 - 2050
9394 2 2049
9396 - 2046
9397 - 2038
9398 - 2037
9399 2 2036
9401 - 2035
9402 - 2033
9403 - 2031
9404 - 2028
9405 - 2027
9406 - 2023
9407 - 2021
9408 - 2018
9409 - 2014
9410 - 2012
9411 - 1990
9412 - 1987
9413 - 1985
9414 - 1982
9415 - 1981
9416 - 1974

Event: Singles
Division: Regular
Rank: 42364

Rank Ties Score
42364 129 456

Event: All Events
Division: Regular
Rank: 44658

Rank Ties Score
44648 5 1256
44653 5 1255
44658 4 1254
44662 6 1253
44668 3 1252

Event: Doubles
Division: Regular
Rank: 22805

Rank Ties Score
22793 7 845
22800 3 843
22803 2 842
22805 4 841
22809 4 840
22813 3 839
22816 - 838
22817 - 837